Furry Games Database

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Name⬆️ Genre Species Release
A Frog's Job platform frog 2022-10-07
A Frog's Tale rpg frog 2025-12-31
A Rat's Life the Cat Conspiracy adventure/action rat 2025-12-31
A Short Hike adventure bird 2019-07-30
A Street Cat's Tale adventure cat 2019-09-06
A Webbing Journey adventure spider 2025-12-31
Aery a Journey Beyond Time adventure bird 2021-02-25
Aery a New Frontier adventure bird 2022-05-13
Aery Broken Memories adventure bird 2020-11-13
Aery Calm Mind adventure bird 2021-07-22
Aery Calm Mind 2 adventure bird 2022-03-29
Aery Calm Mind 3 adventure bird 2023-04-01
Aery Dreamscape adventure bird 2022-01-14
Aery Heaven & Hell adventure bird 2023-08-04
Aery Last Day of Earth adventure bird 2022-10-24
Aery Little Bird Adventure adventure bird 2020-10-16
Aery Path of Corruption adventure bird 2022-12-16
Aery Sky Castle adventure bird 2020-10-08
Aery the Lost Hero adventure bird 2023-05-19
Aery Vikings adventure bird 2022-07-22
Against the Storm management/strategy multiple 2023-12-08
AK-xolotl shooter axolotl 2023-09-14
Aka adventure red panda 2022-12-15
Alexio platform duck 2021-05-08
Amazing Chicken Adventures adventure bird 2021-09-03
Ameagari no Hanaby platform squirrel 2018-09-22
Ammo Pigs Armed and Delicious shooter pig 2018-08-27
Ammo Pigs Cocked and Loaded shooter pig 2021-05-12
Anamnesis novel ram 2022-08-10
Anarcute action multiple 2016-07-12
Ancient Mind adventure/action fox 2024-11-20
Animal Crossing management multiple 2001-04-14
Animal Crossing City Folk management multiple 2008-11-16
Animal Crossing New Horizons management multiple 2020-03-20
Animal Crossing New Leaf management multiple 2012-11-08
Animal Crossing Wild World management multiple 2005-11-23
Animal Well platform/adventure fantasy 2024-05-09
Another Crab's Treasure action crab 2024-04-25
Ape Out action gorilla 2019-02-28
Arcanium Rise of Akhan strategy/card multiple 2020-12-08
Armello strategy/turn-based multiple 2015-09-01
As Far as the Eye strategy/turn-based fantasy 2020-09-10
Astrea Six-Sided Oracles strategy/logic multiple 2023-09-21
ATLYSS action/platform multiple 2024-11-23
Aviary Attorney novel bird 2015-12-22
AWAY The Survival Series adventure/action squirrel 2021-09-28
Back to the Dawn adventure multiple 2023-11-03
Backpack Hero rpg multiple 2022-08-15
Banjo-Kazooie adventure/platform bear 1998-06-29
Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge action/adventure bear 2003-09-12
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts adventure/platform bear 2008-11-11
Banjo-Pilot racing bear 2005-01-12
Banjo-Tooie adventure/platform bear 2000-11-20
Banners of Ruin strategy/card multiple 2021-07-29
Battletoads platform/action frog 1991-06-01
Battletoads 2020 platform/action frog 2020-08-20
Battletoads Double Dragon platform/action frog 1993-06-01
Battletoads in Battlemaniacs platform/action frog 1993-06-01
Beacon Pines adventure deer 2022-09-22
Bear and Breakfast management bear 2022-07-28
Bear's Restaurant adventure cat 2021-10-06
Beasts of Bermuda rpg/adventure dinosaur 2018-12-21
Beyond Good and Evil action/adventure multiple 2003-11-11
Beyond the Edge of Owlsgard adventure deer 2022-12-23
BioGun platform/action dog 2024-04-16
BIOMORPH platform/action cat 2024-04-05
Biomutant action/adventure fantasy 2021-05-25
Birb Cafe novel bird 2022-05-12
Black Myth Wukong action monkey 2024-08-20
Blacksad: Under the Skin adventure/novel cat 2019-11-14
Blanc platform/adventure multiple 2023-02-14
Blast Cats action/adventure cat 2025-12-31
Blinx the Time Sweeper platform/action cat 2002-10-09
Bloons Monkey City strategy monkey 2014-12-05
Bloons TD 3 strategy monkey 2008-09-05
Bloons TD 4 strategy monkey 2009-10-26
Bloons TD 5 strategy monkey 2011-12-13
Bloons TD 6 strategy monkey 2018-06-14
Bloons TD Battles strategy monkey 2012-12-11
Bloons TD Battles 2 strategy monkey 2021-11-30
Bloons Tower Defense strategy monkey 2007-08-16
Bloons Tower Defense 2 strategy monkey 2007-10-31
Bo Path of the Teal Lotus platform/action fox 2024-07-18
Bound by Blades action/rpg multiple 2022-11-15
Bounty of One shooter eagle 2022-08-18
Bright Paw logic cat 2020-09-01
Brok the Investigator adventure crocodile 2022-08-26
Brutal Paws of Fury fighting multiple 1994-02-03
Bubsy 2 platform cat 1994-10-15
Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind platform cat 1993-05-01
Bubsy in Fractured Furry Tales platform cat 1994-12-09
Bubsy is 3D in Furbitten Planet platform cat 1996-11-25
Bubsy Paws on Fire platform cat 2019-05-16
Bubsy The Woolies Strike Back platform cat 2017-10-31
Bumblebee Little Bee Adventure adventure bee 2023-02-09
Bunny Park management rabbit 2020-01-14
Burning Branch action mouse 2023-06-09
Button City adventure fox 2021-08-10
Button City Soccer Days action/strategy fox 2025-12-31
Cardterrupters strategy multiple 2025-12-31
Carnal Instinct rpg/adventure multiple 2021-03-01
Cat Burglar a Tail of Purrsuit platform/logic cat 2019-03-06
Cat Quest action cat 2017-08-08
Cat Quest 2 action multiple 2019-09-24
Cat Quest 3: Pirates of the Purribean action cat 2024-08-08
Cat's Cosmic Atlas adventure cat 2023-08-18
Catana logic cat 2021-11-10
Catizens management cat 2022-08-17
Catnight shooter cat 2023-12-22
Cats and the Other Lives adventure cat 2022-11-21
Cats Organized Neatly logic cat 2020-10-12
Catsploration adventure multiple 2025-12-31
Cattails Become a Cat rpg/adventure cat 2017-12-01
Cattails Wildwood Story rpg/adventure cat 2023-10-20
Cavern of Dreams platform/adventure dragon 2023-10-19
Century Age of Ashes action dragon 2021-12-02
Changed adventure multiple 2018-04-05
Chico and the Magic Orchards adventure chipmunk 2022-08-08
Chicory a Colorful Tale adventure dog 2021-06-10
Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers platform chipmunk 1990-06-08
Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers 2 platform chipmunk 1993-12-10
Claw platform cat 1997-09-05
Clive N Wrench platform/adventure multiple 2023-02-24
Conbunn Cardboard platform rabbit 2023-09-01
Conker Live & Reloaded action squirrel 2005-06-21
Conker's Bad Fur Day action squirrel 2001-03-05
Conker's Pocket Tales adventure squirrel 1999-06-08
Corn Kidz 64 platform goat 2023-10-17
Cozy Caravan adventure multiple 2024-05-16
Crash Bandicoot platform bandicoot 1996-09-09
Crash Bandicoot 2 Cortex Strikes Back platform bandicoot 1997-10-31
Crash Bandicoot 2 N-Tranced platform bandicoot 2003-01-07
Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped platform bandicoot 1998-10-31
Crash Bandicoot 4 It's About Time platform multiple 2020-10-02
Crash Bandicoot Mind Over Mutant action bandicoot 2008-10-07
Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy platform bandicoot 2017-06-30
Crash Bandicoot Purple Ripto's Rampage platform bandicoot 2004-06-03
Crash Bandicoot The Huge Adventure platform bandicoot 2002-02-25
Crash Bandicoot The Wrath of Cortex platform bandicoot 2001-10-29
Crash Bash party bandicoot 2000-11-09
Crash Boom Bang party multiple 2006-07-20
Crash Nitro Kart racing multiple 2003-11-11
Crash of the Titans action bandicoot 2007-10-03
Crash of the Titans Nintendo DS action bandicoot 2007-10-25
Crash Tag Team Racing racing multiple 2005-10-19
Crash Team Racing racing multiple 1999-09-30
Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled racing multiple 2018-12-06
Crash Team Rumble action bandicoot 2023-06-20
Crash Twinsanity platform bandicoot 2004-09-28
Creatures of Aether strategy/card multiple 2021-08-02
Creavures platform fantasy 2011-02-23
Critter Cove management multiple 2024-09-10
Crypt Custodian action/adventure cat 2024-08-27
Cuisineer action/strategy cat 2023-11-09
Cult of the Lamb action/management sheep 2022-08-11
Curse of the Sea Rats platform/action rat 2023-04-06
Dandy & Randy DX adventure/action multiple 2022-04-29
Darkwing Duck platform duck 1992-06-01
Dawntide novel multiple 2023-08-27
Daxter platform fantasy 2006-03-14
DC League of Superpets the Adventures of Krypto and Ace action dog 2022-07-15
Death's Door action bird 2021-06-20
Deer & Boy adventure deer 2025-12-31
Deer Journey adventure deer 2022-07-21
Deltarune rpg multiple 2018-10-31
Depth action shark 2014-11-03
Dice of God logic fox 2024-01-22
Dicey Birdball strategy/turn-based bird 2025-12-31
Diddy Kong Racing racing gorilla 1997-11-21
Diluvian Winds management multiple 2023-05-25
Distant Bloom adventure/management fantasy 2024-03-27
DK Jungle Climber platform gorilla 2007-08-09
DK King of Swing platform gorilla 2005-02-04
Doggone Hungry adventure dog 2021-08-02
Dojoran platform frog 2021-02-27
Donkey Kong 2 platform gorilla 1983-03-07
Donkey Kong 64 platform/adventure gorilla 1999-11-22
Donkey Kong Barrel Blast racing gorilla 2007-06-28
Donkey Kong Circus platform gorilla 1984-09-01
Donkey Kong Country platform gorilla 1994-11-18
Donkey Kong Country 2 Diddy Kong's Quest platform gorilla 1995-11-21
Donkey Kong Country 3 Dixie Kong's Double Trouble platform gorilla 1996-11-18
Donkey Kong Country Returns platform gorilla 2010-11-21
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze platform gorilla 2014-02-14
Donkey Kong Hockey action gorilla 1984-11-13
Donkey Kong Jr platform gorilla 1982-06-30
Donkey Kong Jr Math platform/logic gorilla 1983-12-12
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat platform gorilla 2004-12-16
Donkey Kong Land platform gorilla 1995-06-26
Donkey Kong Land 2 platform gorilla 1996-09-23
Donkey Kong Land 3 platform gorilla 1997-10-27
Donkey Konga rhythm gorilla 2003-12-12
Donkey Konga 2 rhythm gorilla 2004-07-01
Donkey Konga 3 rhythm gorilla 2005-03-17
Dota 2 action/strategy multiple 2013-07-09
DreamWorks Dragons Dawn of New Riders adventure dragon 2019-02-15
DreamWorks Dragons Legends of The Nine Realms adventure dragon 2022-09-23
Duck Detective: The Secret Salami adventure duck 2024-05-23
DUCKSIDE shooter duck 2024-09-25
DuckTales platform duck 1989-09-14
DuckTales 2 platform duck 1993-04-23
DuckTales Remastered platform duck 2013-08-13
Dungeon Clawler strategy rabbit 2024-11-21
Dungeons of Aether strategy/turn-based multiple 2023-02-28
Dust an Elysian Tale action cat 2012-08-15
Eastshade adventure multiple 2019-02-13
Ecco Jr adventure/platform dolphin 1995-08-16
Ecco the Dolphin adventure/platform dolphin 1992-12-23
Ecco the Dolphin Defender of Future adventure dolphin 2000-06-16
Ecco the Tides of Time adventure/platform dolphin 1994-08-25
Echolocaution action bat 2021-03-24
Elysium Above strategy/turn-based multiple 2023-07-15
Empires of the Undergrowth strategy bug 2024-06-07
Endless Forest adventure deer 2005-12-09
Endling Extinction is Forever adventure fox 2022-07-19
Epic Mickey adventure/platform mouse 2010-11-25
Epic Mickey 2 adventure/platform multiple 2012-11-18
Everdell strategy/card multiple 2022-07-28
Extremely Powerful Capybaras action capybara 2023-08-30
Fall of Porcupine adventure bird 2023-06-15
Fe adventure fantasy 2018-02-16
Felix the Cat platform cat 1992-10-01
Filly Astray platform/action horse 2023-11-02
Filthy Animals Heist Simulator action/party multiple 2023-04-04
Final Fantasy 9 rpg mouse 2000-07-07
FIST Forged In Shadow Torch platform rabbit 2021-10-03
Fisti-Fluffs action cat 2021-09-23
Fitz the Fox platform fox 2015-08-06
Flying Soldiers logic bird 2020-09-22
Forest of Love adventure red panda 2025-12-31
Foretales strategy/card multiple 2022-09-15
Fox n Forests platform fox 2018-05-17
Foxfolk adventure fox 2017-08-08
FoxTail adventure fox 2018-03-01
Foxventures platform/action fox 2022-12-21
Freedom Planet platform multiple 2014-07-22
Freedom Planet 2 platform multiple 2022-09-13
Frog Detective 1 The Haunted Island adventure frog 2018-11-23
Frog Detective 2 The Case of the Invisible Wizard adventure frog 2019-12-09
Frog Detective 3 Corruption at Cowboy County adventure frog 2022-10-27
Frog's Adventure adventure frog 2023-08-02
Fuga Melodies of Steel rpg multiple 2021-07-29
Fuga Melodies of Steel 2 rpg multiple 2023-05-11
Furry Fantasy logic/novel multiple 2022-07-09
Furry Love & Sex logic/novel multiple 2022-10-22
Furry Sex GameDev Story logic/novel multiple 2022-10-05
Furry Shades of Gay logic/novel multiple 2020-12-19
Furry Shades of Gay 2 A Shade Gayer logic/novel multiple 2021-12-09
Furry Shades of Gay 3 Still Gayer logic/novel multiple 2023-09-15
Furry Survivals logic/novel multiple 2022-11-09
FurryFury Smash & Roll logic/strategy fantasy 2022-04-14
Furwind platform fox 2018-10-25
Fuzz Force: Spook Squad strategy multiple 2021-06-08
Garfield Lasagna Party party multiple 2022-11-10
Garfield Lasagna World Tour action/adventure cat 2007-11-30
Gav-Gav Odyssey logic dog 2022-01-26
Gecko Gods adventure lizard 2025-12-31
Get Your Tentacles Off My Waifu! shooter pony 2025-12-31
Ghost of a Tale adventure mouse 2018-03-13
Ghost of a Tale 2 adventure mouse 2026-12-31
Gibbon Beyond the Trees platform monkey 2022-05-18
Gigantic Rampage Edition action/shooter multiple 2024-04-09
Goat Simulator adventure goat 2014-04-01
Goat Simulator 3 adventure goat 2022-11-17
Goodbye Volcano High novel dinosaur 2023-08-29
Goose Goose Duck strategy/logic multiple 2021-10-03
Grapple Dog platform dog 2022-02-10
Grotto novel multiple/unknown 2021-10-26
Guardians of the Sanctree management bird 2024-10-03
Guinea Pig Parkour platform guinea pig 2026-12-31
Gunfire Reborn shooter multiple 2021-11-18
Hanaby the Witch platform squirrel 2019-10-18
Hanaby's Summer Festival platform squirrel 2021-07-16
Haunted Paws adventure dog 2025-12-31
Haven Park management bird 2021-08-05
Hayseed Knight novel deer 2020-12-08
Hello Kitty and Friends Happiness Parade rhythm cat 2022-11-29
Hobo Cat Adventures platform/action cat 2021-09-30
Hoglands strategy/real-time pig 2025-12-31
Hollow Knight platform bug 2017-02-24
Hollow Knight Silksong platform bug 2026-12-31
Hunt and Snare adventure multiple 2018-12-17
Illusion adventure cat 2022-03-01
Indemon Tales action/rpg fantasy 2023-05-27
Inherit the Earth Quest for the Orb adventure fox 1994-01-02
Inkulinati strategy multiple 2023-01-31
Inukari Chase of Deception platform fox 2021-03-19
Isle of Swaps strategy multiple 2024-09-27
Isopod platform bug 2025-12-31
Jaws Unleashed action/adventure shark 2006-05-23
Jazz Jackrabbit platform rabbit 1994-08-01
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 platform rabbit 1998-05-07
Jitsu Squad action multiple 2022-03-29
Joe 'n Jo platform giraffe 2024-04-19
Jumping Cat platform cat 2023-01-16
Kao the Kangaroo platform kangaroo 2000-11-23
Kao the Kangaroo 2022 platform kangaroo 2022-05-27
Kao the Kangaroo Mystery of the Volcano platform kangaroo 2005-12-02
Kao the Kangaroo Round 2 platform kangaroo 2004-04-15
Kaze and the Wild Masks platform fantasy 2021-03-26
Kelipot platform/action tiger 2020-11-04
Kind Camomile adventure mouse 2021-07-10
King of Crabs action crab 2023-09-26
Kingsley's Adventure adventure fox 1999-09-28
Kit's Quest platform/adventure fox 2023-10-06
Kitaria Fables action cat 2021-09-02
Klonoa 2 Lunatea's Veil platform fantasy 2001-03-22
Klonoa Door to Phantomile platform fantasy 1997-12-11
Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series platform fantasy 2022-07-08
KoboldKare management kobold 2022-12-15
Kokopa's Atlas management cat 2025-12-31
Komorebi novel wolf 2023-07-27
Kristala action cat 2024-06-06
Krut the Mythic Wings action bird 2022-07-12
Laika Aged Through Blood platform/action coyote 2023-10-19
Later Alligator novel alligator 2019-09-18
League of Legends action/strategy multiple 2009-10-27
Legend of Guardians The Owls of Ga'Hoole action/adventure owl 2010-09-14
Legend of Kay action cat 2005-02-04
Legend of Spyro A New Beginning action dragon 2006-10-10
Legend of Spyro Dawn of the Dragon action dragon 2008-10-22
Legend of Spyro The Eternal Night action dragon 2007-10-02
Lil Gator Game adventure crocodile 2022-12-14
Little Kitty Big City adventure cat 2024-05-09
Lonesome Village adventure coyote 2022-11-01
Looney Tunes: Wacky World of Sports party multiple 2024-09-27
Lord Winklebottom Investigates novel giraffe 2022-07-28
Lost Dream adventure fox 2021-03-12
Lost Ember adventure wolf 2019-11-22
Lost Paws adventure dog 2023-09-29
Lovers of Aether novel multiple 2019-04-01
Lucky's Tale platform fox 2016-03-28
Lugaru action rabbit 2005-01-28
LumbearJack action bear 2022-06-11
Lunistice platform raccoon 2022-11-10
Macrotis a Mother's Journey platform fantasy 2019-02-08
Mail Mole platform mole 2020-07-18
Mail Time adventure multiple 2023-04-27
Major\Minor novel multiple 2016-10-11
Major\Minor 2.0: (Re)Vision novel multiple 2025-12-31
Maneater action/adventure shark 2020-05-22
Manitas Kitchen management/logic dinosaur 2023-12-15
Mari and Bayu The Road Home platform bug 2022-07-19
Marsupilami platform fantasy 1995-10-01
Marsupilami Hoobadventure platform fantasy 2021-11-16
Master Key action/adventure fox 2024-05-17
Meadow adventure multiple 2016-10-26
Meg's Monster rpg/adventure fantasy 2023-03-02
Melon Journey Bittersweet Memories adventure rabbit 2023-03-07
Mercury Abbey adventure wolf 2024-11-22
Metal Dogs shooter dog 2023-03-24
Mice Tea novel multiple 2023-04-28
MiceGard strategy/action mouse 2024-01-15
Micetopia platform mouse 2020-11-20
Miedo Under the Mountain platform/adventure cat 2022-11-27
Mina the Hollower action mouse 2025-12-31
Mondealy adventure multiple 2023-08-09
Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom platform multiple 2019-07-25
Moses & Plato novel multiple 2025-12-31
Moss adventure mouse 2018-02-27
Moss Book 2 adventure mouse 2022-03-31
Mouse: P.I. For Hire shooter mouse 2025-12-31
Mutant Year Zero Road to Eden strategy/turn-based multiple 2018-12-04
My Little Pony a Maretime Bay Adventure adventure horse 2022-05-27
My Pet Hooligan shooter/action rabbit 2023-09-20
Mystery of Caketropolis adventure dragon 2021-06-18
Nairi Rising Tide novel multiple 2024-11-14
Nairi Tower of Shirin novel multiple 2018-11-29
Neglected adventure cat 2020-05-07
Neko Ghost Jump platform cat 2022-01-11
Neko Loop strategy cat 2022-12-23
Nekomew's Nightmares rhythm cat 2022-10-28
Never Alone platform fox 2014-11-18
Never Alone 2 adventure fox 2025-12-31
New Super Lucky's Tale platform fox 2020-08-21
Ni no Kuni 2 Revenant Kingdom rpg/adventure multiple 2018-03-23
Ni no Kuni Dominion of the Dark Djinn rpg/adventure multiple 2010-12-09
Ni no Kuni Wrath of the White Witch rpg/adventure multiple 2011-11-17
Niche a Genetics Survival Game strategy/turn-based fantasy 2017-09-21
Night in the Woods adventure cat 2017-02-21
Nikita The Mystery Of The Hidden Treasure platform/adventure fox 2008-05-30
Nikoderiko: The Magical World platform cat 2024-12-05
Nine Noir Lives novel cat 2022-09-07
Nine Sols platform/action cat 2024-05-29
Nine-Tailed Okitsune Tale rpg fox 2023-05-21
Ninja Rabbits action rabbit 1991-01-01
No Way Back platform/shooter chicken 2022-10-20
Nyan Heroes shooter cat 2025-12-31
Oasis Blitz platform fox 2024-05-07
Of Blades and Tails rpg fox 2023-11-09
Okami action/adventure wolf 2006-04-20
Omensight action multiple 2018-05-15
On Your Tail adventure goat 2024-12-16
One Escape platform multiple 2021-12-03
OneShot adventure cat 2016-12-08
Ori and the Blind Forest platform fantasy 2015-03-11
Ori and the Will of the Wisps platform fantasy 2020-03-11
Overgrowth action rabbit 2017-10-16
Owl Watch platform bird 2018-11-12
Owlboy platform bird 2016-11-01
Paladins shooter multiple 2016-09-16
Panda Punch platform red panda 2022-12-16
Pandaty platform panda 2022-10-07
Pangolin Cassowary platform multiple 2024-02-01
Panic Porcupine platform porcupine 2022-10-27
PaRappa the Rapper rhythm dog 1996-12-06
PaRappa the Rapper 2 rhythm dog 2001-08-30
Party Animals party multiple 2023-09-20
Pasha Planet Reborn logic/adventure dog 2023-03-03
Path of Kami Journey Begins adventure wolf 2022-11-09
Path of Titans adventure dinosaur 2018-01-06
PAW Patrol World adventure dog 2023-09-29
Paws adventure cat 2016-03-24
Pawsecuted strategy/turn-based rabbit 2022-11-01
Persha and the Magic Labyrinth Arabian Nyaights logic cat 2023-09-19
Pipistrello and the Cursed Yoyo action bat 2025-12-31
Pipsqueak! platform mouse 2025-12-31
Pitcher and the Whale platform fox 2020-07-24
PIVO logic dog 2020-04-10
Pizza Possum action multiple 2023-09-28
Playstation Move Heroes adventure fantasy 2011-03-22
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX rpg fantasy 2020-03-06
Pokemon Unite action/strategy fantasy 2021-07-01
Pokken Tournament fighting fantasy 2015-07-16
Postmouse adventure mouse 2023-01-30
Princess & Conquest rpg fantasy 2019-10-10
Pronty action fish 2021-11-19
ProtoCorgi shooter dog 2023-06-15
Pseudoregalia platform/action fantasy 2023-07-28
Pupperazzi adventure dog 2022-01-20
Puzzles for Clef adventure rabbit 2024-03-06
QuackShot platform duck 1991-12-19
Quintus and the Absent Truth adventure mouse 2020-10-13
Quintus and the Formidable Curse adventure mouse 2024-06-28
Rabbids Party of Legends party rabbit 2022-06-30
Radical Rex platform dinosaur 1994-10-01
Rain World adventure cat 2017-03-28
Ratatouille platform/adventure rat 2007-06-26
Ratchet & Clank action fantasy 2002-11-04
Ratchet & Clank 2 Going Commando action fantasy 2003-11-11
Ratchet & Clank 2016 action fantasy 2016-04-12
Ratchet & Clank 3 Up Your Arsenal action fantasy 2004-11-02
Ratchet & Clank A Crack In Time action fantasy 2009-10-27
Ratchet & Clank All 4 One action fantasy 2011-10-18
Ratchet & Clank Nexus action fantasy 2013-11-06
Ratchet & Clank QForce action fantasy 2012-11-27
Ratchet & Clank Quest for Booty action fantasy 2008-08-21
Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart action fantasy 2021-06-11
Ratchet & Clank Size Matters action fantasy 2007-02-13
Ratchet & Clank Tools of Destruction action fantasy 2007-10-23
Ratchet Gladiator action fantasy 2005-10-25
Ratopia strategy/management rat 2023-11-06
Ratropolis strategy/card rat 2020-12-22
Ratten Reich strategy/real-time rat 2024-08-09
Ravva and the Phantom Library platform bird 2023-07-07
Rayman platform fantasy 1995-09-01
Rayman 2 The Great Escape platform fantasy 1999-10-28
Rayman 3 Hoodlum Havoc platform fantasy 2003-03-04
Rayman Legends platform fantasy 2013-08-29
Rayman Origins platform fantasy 2010-06-14
ReadySet Heroes action/party multiple 2019-10-29
Rental adventure rabbit 2024-03-07
Rev adventure fox 2020-05-14
Rift Racoon platform raccoon 2019-11-01
Rise of Fox Hero platform fox 2023-02-17
Rivals of Aether fighting multiple 2017-03-28
Rivals of Aether 2 fighting multiple 2024-10-23
Roll the Cat logic cat 2021-11-17
Root strategy/turn-based multiple 2020-09-24
RUBATO platform frog 2025-12-31
Ruin Raiders strategy/turn-based multiple 2021-10-14
Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space adventure multiple 2009-10-14
Sam & Max Hit the Road adventure multiple 1993-11-01
Sam & Max Save the World adventure multiple 2006-10-17
Sam & Max The Devil's Playhouse adventure multiple 2010-04-02
Sam & Max This Time It's Virtual adventure multiple 2021-09-10
Sandwalkers strategy/turn-based multiple 2024-06-19
Sayri the Beginning adventure fantasy 2025-12-31
Screaming Chicken Ultimate Showdown party bird 2023-04-13
Seasons After Fall platform/logic fox 2016-09-02
Seasons of Rocco adventure raccoon 2024-01-12
Seed of Life action/adventure wolf 2025-12-31
Shadow the Hedgehog action hedgehog 2005-11-15
Shadowkin action multiple 2024-02-23
Shark Simulator adventure shark 2017-11-22
Sheep Lad action sheep 2025-12-31
Sheepo platform sheep 2020-08-26
Sheepy platform sheep 2021-07-24
Sheepy A Short Adventure platform sheep 2024-02-06
Shelter adventure badger 2013-08-28
Shelter 2 adventure cat 2015-03-09
Shelter 3 adventure elephant 2021-03-30
Shiness the Lightning Kingdom action fantasy 2017-04-18
Ship of Fools action frog 2022-11-22
Shoulders of Giants action/rogue-like frog 2023-01-26
Silenced rpg cat 2025-12-31
SkateBIRD platform bird 2021-09-16
Sly 2 Band of Thieves platform raccoon 2004-09-14
Sly 3 Honor Among Thieves platform raccoon 2005-09-26
Sly Cooper Thieves in Time platform multiple 2013-02-05
Sly Raccoon platform raccoon 2002-09-23
Small Saga rpg mouse 2023-11-16
SMITE action multiple 2014-03-25
Snacko management cat 2023-12-06
Snake Pass platform/puzzle snake 2017-03-28
Sneak Out party penguin 2024-06-06
Sokocat logic cat 2021-03-14
Solatorobo Red the Hunter action/adventure dog 2010-10-28
Song of Nunu a League of Legends Story adventure/platform fantasy 2023-11-01
Sonic 3 and Knuckles platform multiple 1994-02-02
Sonic 3D Blast platform hedgehog 1996-11-05
Sonic 4 Episode 1 platform hedgehog 2010-10-07
Sonic 4 Episode 2 platform hedgehog 2012-05-15
Sonic Advance platform hedgehog 2001-12-20
Sonic Advance 2 platform hedgehog 2002-12-19
Sonic Advance 3 platform multiple 2004-06-17
Sonic Adventure platform hedgehog 1998-12-23
Sonic Adventure 2 platform hedgehog 2001-06-19
Sonic and the Black Knight platform hedgehog 2009-03-03
Sonic and the Secret Rings platform hedgehog 2007-02-20
Sonic Boom Fire & Ice platform hedgehog 2016-09-27
Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric platform hedgehog 2014-11-11
Sonic Boom Shattered Crystal platform hedgehog 2014-11-11
Sonic CD platform hedgehog 1993-09-23
Sonic Colors platform hedgehog 2010-11-11
Sonic Dream Team platform hedgehog 2023-12-05
Sonic Forces platform hedgehog 2017-11-07
Sonic Free Riders racing multiple 2010-11-04
Sonic Frontiers platform hedgehog 2022-11-08
Sonic Generations platform hedgehog 2011-11-01
Sonic Heroes platform hedgehog 2003-12-30
Sonic Lost World platform hedgehog 2013-10-18
Sonic Mania platform multiple 2017-08-15
Sonic Origins platform hedgehog 2022-06-23
Sonic Riders racing multiple 2006-02-21
Sonic Riders Zero Gravity racing multiple 2008-01-08
Sonic Superstars platform multiple 2023-10-17
Sonic the Hedgehog platform hedgehog 1991-06-23
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 platform hedgehog 1992-11-21
Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 platform hedgehog 2006-11-14
Sonic the Hedgehog Chaos platform hedgehog 1993-10-25
Sonic the Hedgehog Triple Trouble platform hedgehog 1994-11-11
Sonic Unleashed platform hedgehog 2008-11-18
Space Bunny Explorers management/shooter rabbit 2022-10-31
Space Tail Every Journey Leads Home platform dog 2022-11-03
Spellcats: Auto Card Tactics strategy cat 2024-05-17
Spirit of the North adventure fox 2020-05-27
Spirit of the North 2 adventure fox 2025-12-31
Spiritfarer management multiple 2020-08-18
Spiritle strategy/turn-based multiple 2023-06-28
Spyro 2 Ripto's Rage platform dragon 1999-11-02
Spyro 2 Season of Flame adventure dragon 2002-09-25
Spyro A Hero's Tail platform dragon 2004-11-09
Spyro Attack of the Rhynocs adventure dragon 2003-10-29
Spyro Enter the Dragonfly platform dragon 2002-11-05
Spyro Orange The Cortex Conspiracy platform dragon 2004-06-03
Spyro Reignited Trilogy platform dragon 2018-11-13
Spyro Season of Ice adventure dragon 2001-11-07
Spyro Shadow Legacy adventure dragon 2005-10-18
Spyro the Dragon platform dragon 1998-09-09
Spyro Year of the Dragon platform dragon 2000-10-10
Squirrel Away platform squirrel 2025-12-31
Squirrel With a Gun shooter/platform squirrel 2024-08-29
Star Fox shooter fox 1993-02-21
Star Fox 2 shooter fox 2017-09-29
Star Fox 64 shooter fox 1997-04-27
Star Fox 64 3D shooter fox 2011-07-14
Star Fox Adventures shooter fox 2002-09-23
Star Fox Assault shooter fox 2005-02-14
Star Fox Command shooter fox 2006-08-03
Star Fox Zero shooter fox 2016-04-21
Star in the Hollow adventure bird 2025-12-31
Starshifter adventure multiple 2023-06-12
Stewart the Fox platform fox 2023-01-20
Stories the Path of Destinies action fox 2016-04-12
Stray adventure cat 2022-07-19
StrikeForce Kitty adventure/logic cat 2018-02-20
Sun Haven adventure/management multiple 2023-03-11
Sunshine Shuffle strategy/card multiple/unknown 2023-05-24
Super Animal Royale shooter multiple 2021-08-26
Super Catboy platform cat 2023-07-24
Super Grappling Gecko platform gecko 2021-12-16
Super Kiwi 64 platform kiwi 2022-12-02
Super Lesbian Animal RPG rpg multiple 2022-12-21
Super Lesbian Horse RPG rpg horse 2015-11-29
Super Lucky's Tale platform fox 2017-11-07
Super Smash Bros Ultimate fighting multiple 2018-12-07
Super Sunny Island platform penguin 2021-06-17
SWINE strategy/real-time multiple 2001-10-30
Tail Concerto adventure dog 1998-04-16
Tailbound action/adventure fantasy 2022-04-11
TailQuest Defense strategy/action raccoon 2023-06-01
Tails Noir adventure raccoon 2021-06-08
Tails Noir Preludes adventure multiple 2023-02-02
Tails of Iron action rat 2021-09-17
Tails of Iron 2: Whiskers of Winter action rat 2025-01-28
TaleSpin shooter bear 1991-12-11
Tanglewood platform fox 2018-08-14
Tanuki Sunset platform raccoon 2020-12-04
Team Sonic Racing racing multiple 2019-05-21
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge action multiple 2022-06-16
Terra Memoria rpg multiple 2024-03-27
Terror of Hemasaurus action fantasy 2022-10-17
The Adventures of Kincaid platform wolf 2025-12-31
The Alpha Wolf action wolf 2024-07-11
The Big Catch platform/adventure bird 2025-12-31
The Bunny Graveyard adventure rabbit 2023-09-22
The Companion adventure wolf 2021-05-13
The Crown of Leaves novel fantasy 2018-11-27
The Darkest Tales platform/action bear 2022-10-13
The Final Cat adventure cat 2024-07-01
The First Tree adventure fox 2017-09-14
The Greatest Penguin Heist of All Time action penguin 2021-07-02
The Heartbeat novel wolf 2020-10-05
The Hive strategy/real-time bug 2016-08-25
The I of the Dragon action dragon 2002-12-01
The Lion King platform lion 1994-12-08
The Long Return adventure/logic lion 2019-10-02
The Longest Road on Earth novel multiple 2021-05-27
The Lost Legends of Redwall: The Scout Act 1 adventure mouse 2018-09-14
The Lost Legends of Redwall: The Scout Act 2 adventure mouse 2021-05-01
The Lost Legends of Redwall: The Scout Act 3 adventure mouse 2021-12-24
The Mice Plight strategy mouse 2025-12-31
The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog novel hedgehog 2023-03-31
The Night of the Rabbit logic/adventure multiple 2013-05-28
The Purring Quest platform cat 2015-11-12
The Secret of Crystal Mountain adventure fox 2025-12-31
The Spirit and the Mouse adventure mouse 2022-09-26
The Use of Life rpg/novel rabbit 2022-05-21
The Wolf action/adventure wolf 2021-10-25
Them's Fighting Herds fighting multiple 2020-05-01
Thirstchasm action dog 2019-12-10
This Dead Winter adventure fox 2025-12-31
Timberborn management/strategy beaver 2021-09-15
Tiny Echo adventure multiple 2017-08-31
Titus the Fox platform fox 1992-01-01
Toads of the Bayou strategy frog 2024-11-19
Tokyo Jungle action/adventure multiple 2012-06-07
Tooth and Tail strategy/real-time multiple 2017-09-12
Toroa: Skycall adventure bird 2025-12-31
Trash Quest platform raccoon 2021-04-27
Tribal Hunter platform/action lizard 2019-08-03
Trifox action fox 2022-10-14
Tunic action/adventure fox 2022-03-16
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger adventure tasmanian tiger 2002-09-10
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2 Bush Rescue adventure tasmanian tiger 2004-10-12
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 3 Night of the Quinkan adventure tasmanian tiger 2005-10-11
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 4 platform tasmanian tiger 2015-09-17
Ultimate Chicken Horse party/platform multiple 2016-03-04
Undertale rpg multiple 2015-09-15
Unit Down shooter dog 2021-10-16
United Penguin Kingdom strategy/management penguin 2024-03-06
Unruly Heroes platform multiple 2019-01-23
Untamed Tactics strategy/turn-based multiple 2023-08-28
Untitled Goose Game adventure bird 2020-09-23
Walk in the Dark platform cat 2013-11-07
Warpaws strategy/real-time multiple 2025-12-31
Way to the Woods adventure deer 2026-12-31
Wayfinder action cat 2024-06-11
Webbed platform spider 2021-09-09
Whisker Squadron shooter/rogue-like cat 2025-12-31
Whisker Squadron Survivor shooter/rogue-like cat 2025-02-21
Whisker Waters adventure cat 2024-04-25
Whiskerwood management mouse 2025-12-31
Wild Assault shooter multiple 2025-04-11
Wild Country strategy/card multiple 2024-11-25
Wild Life action/adventure multiple/unknown 2025-12-31
WILD Tactics strategy multiple 2025-12-31
Windblown action multiple 2024-10-24
Winds of Change novel/adventure multiple 2019-08-21
Wingspan strategy/card bird 2020-09-17
Winter Burrow adventure mouse 2025-12-31
WolfQuest adventure wolf 2007-10-31
Yoko & Yuki Dr. Rat's Revenge platform/logic cat 2021-04-08
Yoku's Island Express platform bug 2018-05-29
Yooka-Laylee platform/adventure multiple 2017-04-11
Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair platform multiple 2019-10-08
Yu Crossing Animals adventure fantasy 2021-12-01
Zid Journey adventure dinosaur 2025-12-31
Zipp's Cafe novel raccoon 2023-11-15
Zniw Adventure adventure dinosaur 2020-11-06